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15 December 2021

SA science shines, despite sharp fall in R&D expenditure

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Press Release

The Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators of the Human Sciences Research Council announces the release of the results of the 2019/20 National Research & Experimental Development (R&D) Survey. The survey is undertaken annually on behalf of the Department of Science and Innovation, with support from Statistics South Africa.

The release of the 2019/20 R&D survey data takes place amidst global attention on the newest-discovered COVID-19 variant (Omicron/B1.1.529), once again shining the spotlight on the country’s excellent scientific capacities.

Trends in R&D expenditure followed a similar trajectory to that observed in the general economic decline. Gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 1.4 of a percentage point, to 0.1% in 2019, after taking into account the revisions due to StatsSA bench-marking and rebasing of the GDP series* to the 2015 year.
Gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD) for 2019/20 amounted to R34.485 billion, at current rand values.

GERD is an aggregated measure of in-house R&D expenditure performed domestically in five institutional sectors, namely government, science councils, higher education institutions, the business sector, and the not-for-profit sector.

GERD in constant 2015 prices fell, from R31.367 billion in 2018/19 to R28.140 billion in 2019/20, which represents a year-on-year change of -10.3%.

South Africa’s R&D intensity, that is, GERD as a percentage of GDP at current prices, declined by seven basis points, from 0,69% in 2018/19 to 0,62 in 2019/20.

Other key headline indicators

  • Government maintained strong funding support for R&D

The government sector buttressed overall losses in R&D funding. The main sources of funding for R&D in South Africa are the government (including science councils and university own funds), and business sectors. Whereas government increased funding overall in 2019/20 by R1.942 billion, business decreased funding of R&D by R5.175 billion. Funding from abroad increased by R664 million overall, mostly allocated to the business sector.

  • Business expenditure fell, and business shed R&D personnel

The business sector continued a downward trend in R&D expenditure evident since 2014/15. Expenditure decreased by a relatively large amount of R3.744 billion in nominal terms between the 2018/19 and 2019/20 financial periods. The business sector also shed 4 128 R&D personnel in 2019/20, in tandem with the loss of personnel in the economy overall.

  • R&D continues to trend towards applied research

Applied research accounted for most R&D activity, at 46.6% in 2019/20. This has been the case for at least the last ten years.  Basic research increased proportionally to 32.0% of R&D activity in 2019/20.

  • The medical and health sciences and social sciences are key research areas

The 2019/20 results show that the strongest focus of R&D activity is now the medical and health sciences (21.5%), followed by the social sciences (16.9%), and third, the engineering sciences (13.4%).

For more information, please contact Dr Nazeem Mustapha of  CeSTII on tel +27 21 466 7887 or via email at

*The current survey and R&D intensity series was revised to take into account the revision of the GDP series (Stats SA, 2021). The R&D expenditure in real terms was also rebased to 2015 constant prices.