The HSRC will be a national, regional and global leader in the production and dissemination of transformative social science and humanities research in the interests of a just and equal society
The HSRC produces leading-edge policy research, through engaged scholarship, to utilise in understanding and explaining social conditions and informing social change for inclusive growth in communities
Respecting equality, embracing ideas, and speaking out against discrimination of any kind
Pursuing non-partisanship but collaborating with all stakeholders, including the government
Conducting business honestly, diligently and underpinned by ethical principles, while embracing, but not abusing, intellectual freedom
Treating colleagues, stakeholders and members of the public with dignity and humility; observing organisational policies and processes; and preserving the environment and natural resources
Undertaking leading-edge research while remaining relevant.
Creating a safe and supportive working environment for colleagues
The HSRC derives its mandate from the HSRC Act, Act 17 of 2008. Section 3 of the Act requires the HSRC to: