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Policy Briefs

Y.F. April, T. Mbandlanyana
April, Y.F. & Mbandlanyana, T. (2024) The BRICS Parliamentary Forum as a viable parliamentary diplomacy platform: an analysis of the 9th BRICS Parliamentary Forum outcomes. (HSRC Policy Brief, August). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23456
The objective of this policy brief, therefore, is to present three of the thematic outcomes and critically assess whether parliamentary diplomacy was harnessed in a more meaningful and impactful way. Parliamentary oversight over the workings and decisions of multilateral organisations, continental and regional bodies, such as…
April, Y.F. (2024) Comparative practices of Just Energy Transition from coal to hydrogen energy in South Africa and Brazil. (HSRC Policy Brief, August). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23457
The climate imperative to leapfrog from coal to clean energy has been made clear over the past years at the various UN Climate Change conferences. In 2021, South Africa not only confirmed that hydrogen as a green energy is critical for decarbonizing the planet, but announced the first Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP)…
Check, N.A. & Mkhongi, F.A. (2024) Revisiting the state (nation) building concept in post-colonial Africa: assessing Cote dIvoires nation-building challenges. (HSRC Policy Brief, August). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23458
The Africa Institute of South Africa, a research institute within the Human Sciences Research Council, conducts research and coordinates HSRC's engagements in and on Africa. It conducts basic, applied policy-relevant and comparative research, while seeking to build capacity and provide policy advice and implementation support to…
K. Chetty, M. Kanyane, Y.D. Davids, T. Moosa, L. Ndaba
Chetty, K., Kanyane, M., Davids, Y.D., Moosa, T. & Ndaba, L. (2024) Financing strategies for renewable energy expansion in South Africa. (HSRC Policy Brief, June). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23386
South Africa faces an energy crisis caused by its underperforming coal power stations and, therefore, needs to solve the maintenance challenges at these coal power stations to address the current energy shortages. In the long term, the country plans to expand its renewable energy procurement from the private sector through the…
K. Chetty, M. Kanyane, R. Ncwadi, Y.D. Davids, T. Moosa
Chetty, K., Kanyane, M., Ncwadi, R., Davids, Y.D. & Moosa, T. (2024) Accelerating economic growth through municipal renewable energy expansion: comparing South African and Chinese municipal experiences. (HSRC Policy Brief, June). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23387
South Africa is currently grappling with a nationwide energy crisis due to a substantial 33 GW energy shortfall. The country's 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) outlines a gradual shift from coal to renewable energy sources, with a more significant emphasis on this transition by 2030. However, the current energy crisis may…
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