News & events


22 August 2023

Dr. Wilfred Lunga joins ISC-UNEP foresight expert panel

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

Dr Wilfred Lunga has been announced as one of the esteemed experts selected to join the International Science Council and United Nations Environmental Program (ISC-UNEP) Foresight Expert Panel. This distinguished panel comprises world-renowned scientists dedicated to tackling climate change challenges head-on.

The Foresight Expert Panel assumes a pivotal role in shaping global environmental outcomes by providing invaluable guidance, facilitating evidence gathering, and fostering an inclusive and evidence-based process. Through their collective efforts, the panel ensures that the forthcoming Global Foresight report becomes a beacon of knowledge, guiding policy decisions, driving innovation, and paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future.

The culmination of the panel’s endeavours will be the publication of the Global Report in 2024. Anticipated to be a comprehensive compendium of insights and recommendations, the report will serve as a vital resource during the deliberations of the sixth UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) in February 2024 and the Summit of the Future.

Learn more about it here.

We celebrate Dr Wilfred Lunga’s appointment to this prestigious panel and eagerly anticipate the transformative impact of their collective efforts on global environmental stewardship.

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

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