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12 July 2024

CALL FOR PAPERS | Tracking Africa’s Development Progress: Towards Agenda 2063 ​

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

Agenda 2063 is a 50-year vision statement for the transformative development of Africa. It aspires to foster inclusive growth, sustainable development, good governance, social inclusion, peace and security, and global participation, among other compelling but ambitious goals. So far, early into the second decade of this multifaceted transformation plan, emerging research underscores uneven findings and outcomes of Africa’s developmental progress.

This Africa Insight special issue invites contributions showing how countries and regions across the continent have performed against the vision promoted in Agenda 2063. Africa Insight is particularly interested in publishing manuscripts that compare experiences across at least two countries in different regions of the continent. Priority will be given to studies that place gender and living standards at the forefront. All studies must adopt a comparative approach.

Submissions must elevate gender questions and living standards in Africa as crosscutters that are intrinsic to topics listed below.

  • Economic growth, business cycles and macroeconomic policies
  • Sectoral and structural changes
  • Sustainable employment, work and labour markets
  • Food and nutrition security
  • Climate and ecological dynamics
  • Science, technology and innovation
  • Education and skills development
  • Youth development
  • Civil society formations and social protection
  • State and institution building
  • Conflict, violence, wars and peace
  • Regional blocs and international relations

Scholarly contributions should provide new insights on tracking Africa’s development progress, with clear and feasible solutions for development practitioners to consider. Comparative studies that explore experiences across different regions of the continent are encouraged. ​ ​This special issue aims to contribute to understanding Africa’s development progress and the realisation of Agenda 2063 through rigorous research and analysis. ​ We encourage co-authorship among scholars based in different regions across Africa.

Important deadlines

  • Call for abstracts open: 15 July 2024
  • Submission of extended abstracts: 9 September 2024
  • Review of abstracts: 31 October 2024
  • Accept/reject notices to corresponding authors: 30 November 2024
  • Submission of full articles for double-blind peer review: 15 February 2025
  • Reviewer comments to authors: 15 April 2025
  • Return of revised manuscripts: 31 May 2025

Extended abstract guidelines

The extended abstract should not exceed 500 words and must clearly state (a) the title of the manuscripts and (b) the special issue topic under which the submitted abstract fits.

The content and structure of the extended abstract must succinctly explain:

  • the research problem and contribution to the literature;
  • the research approach and methodology of the manuscript; and
  • a key finding and its significance for “TRACKING AFRICA’S DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS”.

Every abstract will undergo a double-blind peer review to assess if it fits this special issue theme. To facilitate this preliminary review, please submit the author’s information (full name and surname, institutional affiliation, resident country, and email address) as required on the submission form.

Submissions can be made online via the following:

For any further information or clarity regarding submissions, please do not hesitate to contact the editors at

Guest editors: Dr Peter Jacobs (HSRC), Dr Rodney Managa (HSRC), Dr Pauline Ngimwa (PASGR), Dr Uchele Okpanachi (University of Jos).

For further information about the journal please visit:

To download the document please click HERE

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

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