News & events


03 April 2019

2019 National Skills Conference

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

Vijay Reddy was one of the plenary speakers at the 2019 National Skills Conference Building a demand-led skills development system that focuses on inclusive economic growth hosted by the National Skills Authority.  The plenary speakers included Minister Pandor (Minister of Higher Education and Training) and Minister Dlamini-Zuma (Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation). The presentation focussed on the summary of the research findings and recommendations from the Labour Market Intelligence Partnership (LMIP) Project, contained in LMIP Update 2018: Skills Planning for the Post School Education and Training System.

The LMIP was a unique partnership between the South African government and the research community, and conducted research from 2012 to 2018, to generate strategic information and intelligence to establish the skills planning mechanism. Over this period the LMIP produced over 100 research reports and the LMIP Update focussed on two main aspects: (i) the contours of the skills planning mechanism which includes the architecture and foundations for the skills planning mechanism and (ii) the strategic intelligence needed to anticipate and plan for skills needed.

The presentation is available for download below:

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

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