TENDER/ BID INVITATION Prospective Service Providers are invited to submit their proposals to Human Sciences Research Council for the following bid: |
No | Description | Bid Number | Compulsory Briefing Session | Closing Date |
1 | Appointment of a service provider to provide Office Space and Accommodation for the HSRC Durban regional office for a period of nine (9) years and 11 months | HSRC/07/2023/24 | 22 September 2023 Time: 10.00 am | 13 October 2023 Time 11:00 am |
Compulsory Briefing Session link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N2RkZWY5MjQtNTViYS00MGRiLWI1MTMtMDQ1MTdiZDZkMzVk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22161524ab-4f53-4300-a494-dcdbaeb8e86c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222e330870-e6d4-4756-83f8-a62a8da8e640%22%7d |
Note: Detailed Bid documentations in this regard can be obtained or accessed from HSRC Website and
Kindly direct all your enquiries related to the advertised bids to Mr. Hilton Tsibande at e-mail: HTsibande@hsrc.ac.za