Who We Are

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Dr Lorenza Fluks
Senior Research Specialist

I am a postdoctoral fellow, at the rank of research specialist in the Human and Social Capabilities research division at the HSRC. I have a PhD in Psychology from Stellenbosch University. I am trained in community psychology (CP), and have extensive experience in community-related work as a student, volunteer and university-based community project leader. Because of my CP background and community service experience, I have developed a keen interest in conducting participatory and action-oriented research. My work at HSRC over the past four years, starting as PhD intern and now postdoctoral fellow, include a wide range of topics. My current project work involves engaging civil society in rolling out sexual and reproductive health education across Eastern and Southern Africa; intersectionality in research and a newly secured project on strengthening the capacities of science granting councils across Africa in advancing gender and inclusivity. Through these projects and others, I have been involved in all stages of the research process including project conceptualization, proposal writing, project management, data collection and analysis, report writing, as well as publication and conference presentations.