Who We Are

Our People

Mr Gerard Ralphs
Senior Research Manager

Gerard Ralphs is a Programme Manager and policy analyst in the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (CeSTII) at South Africa's Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). Before joining CeSTII in 2017, he was manager of partnerships and projects at Research Africa, focussing specifically on the European Commission-funded CAAST-Net (2008-2012), RIMI4AC (2009-2013) and CAAST-Net Plus (2013-2016) projects.

In 2011/2 he was based in Ottawa, Canada, as a research awardee in the Donor Partnerships Division at Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and has also, more recently, consulted to the Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice (GSDPP) at the University of Cape Town and the African Doctoral Academy (ADA) at Stellenbosch University. Gerard Ralphs has published news and opinion in Research Africa News, as well as case study research in the South African Historical Journal and Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress. He graduated with a first class MPhil degree from the University of Cape Town in 2008.