Dr Fatima Seedat (African Gender Institute, UCT)
Dr Alude Mahali (Senior Research Specialist, HSD)
Dr Benita Moolman, HSRC
Date: 27 August 2018
Time: 12:30 – 14:00
Venues: Pretoria, Durban, PE and Cape Town
Decolonisation has a historical presence beyond the now, yet it is only more recently that decolonisation has become the approach used to specify and speak about the particular, transformational moment. In the past 3 years, university students have galvanised social momentum on the urgency to de-colonise university education and university spaces.
The #Rhodesmustfall and the #feesmustfall movements have created visibility of the deep seated colonial institutionalisation that still pervades firstly, governance and institutional structures and practices; and secondly, our means of relating to each other and with each other. It is time for change. In this moment of reflecting on the continued significance of the Women’s Struggle of 1956, it is an opportune time to reflect on the significance of decoloniality for contemporary women’s struggles. Using a decolonial approach, how can we strengthen the fight for womxn’s freedom and how should we re-configure activist, research and academic practices, and structures to meaningfully create change for womxn?
Pretoria: HSRC Video Conference, 1st floor HSRC Library Human Sciences Research Council, 134 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Contact: Arlene Grossberg, Tel: (012) 302 2811, e-mail:
Cape Town: HSRC, Merchant House 116-118 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. Contact: Carmen Erasmus, Tel: (021) 466 7827, e-mail:
Durban: The Atrium, 5th Floor, 430 Peter Mokaba Ridge, Berea, 4001. Contact: Ridhwaan Khan, Tel: (031) 242 5400, cell: 083 788 2786, e-mail:
Port Elizabeth: 1st Floor East Wing, Building 1 Ascot Office Park, Corner Conyngham & Ascot Roads, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth 6001. Contact: Nomfanelo Plaatjie, email: or 041 393 9500.
The HSRC seminar series is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The views and opinions expressed therein as well as findings and statements of the seminar series do not necessarily represent the views of the DST
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