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Priority Setting For Interventions in Pre- And Post-Pandemic Management

31 August 2020
12:00 - 14:00


Date: 31 August 2020  
12h00 –14h00

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In June 2020, the South African Technology Network (SATN) published the position paper “Priority Setting For Interventions in Pre- And Post-Pandemic Management: The Case of COVID-19”. The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that countries in the Global North and South were not prepared for managing the economic, political and healthcare implications of the virus. Despite the World Health Organisation (WHO) urging countries to update their national influenza preparedness plans from 2006, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown how little nations have done to equip themselves for such a crisis.

While South Africa was quick to implement measures to contain the spread of the virus in March, concerns have arisen around the government’s ability to protect lives and livelihoods, as well as uphold the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. In this paper, 13 local scientists and experts have explored our level of policy preparedness before the pandemic, what measures have been introduced to manage the spread of the virus, where the gaps in policy, regulation and infrastructure lie, and what initiatives will need to put into place for economic recovery in the future. As South Africa navigates this “new normal”.

Prof Charles Hongoro, Strategic Lead, PaSS  – Developmental Ethical and Capable State (DCES): HSRC

Dr Sershen Naidoo, Executive Director of the Institute of Natural Resources (INR): Natural Environment, Water and Sanitation
Prof Urmilla Bob, (University of KwaZulu-Natal: Living Conditions
Prof Ryk Lues, Central University of Technology: Food Safety
Prof Lucia Anelich, Central University of Technology: Food Security

Dr Stephen Rule, Research Director, Developmental Ethical and Capable State (DCES): HSRC

Kindly RSVP by 30 August 2020

For further information contact: Arlene Grossberg | E:

The HSRC seminar series is funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI). The views and opinions expressed therein as well as findings and statements of the seminar series do not necessarily represent the views of the DSI. Please also note that this seminar may be recorded and published on the HSRC podcast channel.

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