HSRC Seminar Series
Date: 28 November 2017
Time: 12h30 – 13h30
Venues: Pretoria, Durban, Cape Town, PE and Sweetwaters
This seminar seeks to address two questions regarding the practices of critique developed by Michel Foucault, specifically his notion of genealogy. The first asks how far can a Foucaultian critique make possible the task of re-politicising concepts bound up with our modern neoliberalist moment?
And the second, regarding the positionality of the author of critique, asks whether our current reading of critique is adequate to resist speaking from ‘a location in the ‘colonial hierarchies’ produced by the coloniality of power’ (Grosfugal et al, 2015: 646)? Put differently, I ask whether Foucaultian genealogy can overstep the margins of structural critique to engage in ethical and affective strategy. In addressing these questions I return to the analytical exchange between Foucault’s two related techniques for conducting a historical critique: archaeology and genealogy. I argue for a re-reading of genealogy as a precursor for thinking through a new theory of critique as parody. It is a critique that is consciously stylistic, producing a non-prescriptive aesthetic offering which remains alert to the position from which it speaks as it is always relational to an ‘original
RSVP by 27 November 2017
Dr Rachel Adams, Chief Researcher, Research Impact and Assessment Unit, Human Sciences Research Council
Pretoria: HSRC Video Conference, 1st floor HSRC Library Human Sciences Research Council, 134 Pretorius Street, Pretoria. Contact Arlene Grossberg, Tel: (012) 302 2811, e-mail: acgrossberg@hsrc.ac.za
Cape Town: HSRC, Merchant House 116-118 Buitengracht Street Cape Town, Cape Town. Contact: Jean Witten, Tel (021) 4668004 or JWitten@hsrc.ac.za or Carmen August at caugust@hsrc.ac.za
Durban: The Atrium, 5th Floor, 430 Peter Mokaba Ridge, Berea, 4001 , Contact Ridhwaan Khan, Tel (031) 242 5400, cell: 083 788 2786 or RKhan@hsrc.ac.za , or Hlengiwe Zulu at e-mail HZulu@hsrc.ac.za
Sweetwaters: Old Bus Depot, Mbubu Road, Sweetwaters Tel: 033-324 5000
The HSRC seminar series is funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The views and opinions expressed therein as well as findings and statements of the seminar series do not necessarily represent the views of the DST
Kindly note that seminars can now be accessed via the Vidyo link: