Reimagining TVET: The Implications of COVID 19
Speakers: Prof Emeritus Yael Shalem, Associate Professor of Education, University of Witwatersrand
Prof Stephanie Allais, REAL. SARCHi Research Chair: Skills Development
Moderator: Mr Hans Awude, PhD candidate at REAL
Dr Presha Ramsarup, Director, Centre for Researching Education and Labour, University of Witwatersrand
Date + Time: Friday, 27 November 2020 at 12h00-13h30
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, Antonio Guterres (in UN, 2020) has stated: “As the world begins planning for a post-pandemic recovery, governments must seize the opportunity to “build back better” …. ‘Build back better’ involves turning recovery into a real opportunity to do things right for the future. As we focus on ‘building back better’ within the TVET sector, structural changes are expected in both the education system and in the labour market.
In this seminar we aim to contribute to ‘building back better’ through interrogating some of the conceptual foundations of TVET research and praxis. The seminar will explore, how does being a member of an occupation contribute to one’s being a citizen? This seminar deliberates this question through a conceptual interrogation of five key concepts which are central to TVET: occupation, work, knowledge and skill, labour market and qualifications.
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