

23 March 2023

Bid Publication on the HSRC Website for Tender Number: HSRC/21/2022/23




Bid Description: Appointment of a service provider to provide offsite storage and archiving services to the HSRC for a period of five (5) years.

Bid Number: HSRC/21/2022/23 

  1. Introduction:

The HSRC needs efficient records management practices in order to successfully implement the legislation Acts.

Good record keeping is essential to the sound management of the HSRC, delivery of quality services to its stakeholders and for public accountability. The HSRC has a number of records that are highly confidential and have valuable information.  These records require safe keeping as well as good preservation mechanisms and the HSRC does not have space to keep them, therefore, the HSRC has identified a need for off-site archiving and storage services. The HSRC records in storage at the current service provider’s storage facilities nationwide are detailed below:

Cape Town266
Pretoria1154 + 2023 Tapes
TOTAL  1721 boxes and 2023 tapes.

2. Scope of Work:

The services must include the collection of records, sorting and packing of files into archive boxes, record classification, storage and retrieval of records, disposal and retention scheduling;

The service provider must be able to supply a secure and clean facility where records can be kept safely. This facility must be secure, temperature and humid controlled warehouse and foam lined waterproof containers;

The service provider must have the ability to store paper records, audio and video tapes, maps and posters as well as computer media, including boxes branded in previous service providers’ logo;

The service provider must be able to provide scanning services when necessary, an electronic management system is also required to administer scanned/digitized records and manage transactions;

The service provider must provide disposal services according to the HSRC Retention Schedule in line with the National Archives and Records Services of South Africa standards. Destruction certificates must be provided after the disposal exercise;

The service provider must provide tracking services which will also allow for the provision of automated printing lists of records that are in storage at any given time (e.g. index report of files and digital images and inventory list of containers with CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs);

3. Evaluation Criteria:

Preference Points System: 80/20 (Price: 80 and Points: 20).

NB: The minimum threshold on functionality is 75% to qualify for further evaluation stages.

4. Access to Bid Documents:

Bid documents will be free of charge and available on the HSRC website (www.hsrc.ac.za), newspaper and e-tender (www.e-tender.gov.za). Bid documents

must be deposited into the HSRC Tender Box at HSRC building, 134 Pretorius Street, Pretoria.

 NB: The HSRC shares the building with the Department of Social Development.  Bidders are requested to ensure that their proposals are deposited into the correct tender box.

5. Compulsory Briefing Session: 31 March 2023 at 11:00

link  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDRlNDZiZGUtYjJmNC00ZTM0LTkxYmUtZmMwZTBjOWIyNDFm%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22161524ab-4f53-4300-a494-dcdbaeb8e86c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%222e330870-e6d4-4756-83f8-a62a8da8e640%22%7d

6. Bid closing date: 14 April 2023 at 11:00.

7. Contact Details:

Bid process and document enquiries: Mr Musawenkosi Hilton Tsibande, Email: htsibande@hsrc.ac.za