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Dr Angelique Wildschut - February
Research Director

Dr Angelique Wildschut is a Research Director in the Equitable Education and Economies research division at the HSRC. She obtained a BA in industrial psychology, an MPhil in political management, and a DPhil in political science from the University of Stellenbosch. She has 20 years of practical experience in conducting research and leading research teams in investigations that consider the interface between education and the world of work and recognised expertise in the Sociology of Work and Occupations in South Africa, with a focus on the medical and nursing professions, artisans and gender. All these areas of research deal with different forms of social and structural exclusion and access as they present in post-school education and training (TVET College and University based) and particularly as they translate within the world of work, analysed by the variables of gender, race, sex, identity, skills and capabilities.

Her publication record thus spans the authoring and co-authoring of several peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters in books (31), research reports (52) and other forms of dissemination (policy briefs, conference presentations, radio interviews, non-peer reviewed papers) that deal with the themes of education and training and labour market outcomes, occupational and work milieus and identities and the role of symbolic boundaries in maintaining exclusion.