News & events


11 March 2021

Tim Hart appointed as Research Fellow at Stellenbosch University

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

The Stellenbosch University has appointed DCES’s Tim Hart as a research fellow in the university’s Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology. This non-remunerative post is for three years from 1 March 2021 and gives Tim and the department the option to renew the collaboration after three years. According to the university, ‘this category of appointments was created to give recognition to individuals for their proven specialised expertise, and to involve them in the research programmes of the relevant organisational unit’.

Tim welcomes this appointment because it ‘enables me to work closely with fellow anthropologists and sociologists, who are experts in diverse fields. It will allow me to share my experiences with department colleagues and postgraduate students. It is a fantastic opportunity, I am honoured at this appointment in the third highest-ranked university in South Africa and I thank the University and Professor Lindy Heinecken of the department for making this appointment. I believe that it will strengthen the ties between DCES, the HSRC and the department and encourage more robust knowledge exchange between these units’.

Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)

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