News & events


Rethinking the role of Social Sciences in the context of HIV/AIDS

22 July 2012
09:00 - 11:00

Date :22 July 2012

Time :09:00 – 11:00

The International Social Science Council (ISSC) is leading the charge to take social sciences to a level where they rightly belong: addressing global issues and enabling us to continue to be actors and agents of change in our relationship with nature as well as the relationships within and between communities and countries.

Given the enormous global problem of HIV/AIDS and the role that social, behavioural and economic factors play in the spread of the epidemic, the ISSC is planning to expand the knowledge platform for HIV prevention by engaging the broader social science community. The aim is to contribute to the theoretical understanding of human behaviour and the role of social movements in the epidemiology and prev( ention of HIV.

As such, the ISSC is convening a satellite program at XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington DC. The aim is to bring social and biomedical scientists together in order to identify theories of behaviour change which may be applicable to HIV prevention and facilitate innovative approaches that target vulnerable communities in different epidemiological settings.

HSRC CEO and ISSC President Dr Olive Shisana will co-chair this session.  

For further information and for a list of speakers download the flyer.