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Positioning TVET colleges during the pandemic

11 September 2020
12:00 - 15:26


Ms Aruna Singh, Acting Director-General (A/DDG): Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET)

Mr. Luvuyo Ngubelanga, Regional Manager for the Eastern Cape region, DHET

Lesley Powell, Research Chair: Youth Unemployment, Employability and Empowerment, Nelson Mandela University

Date + Time:

Friday, 11 September 2020.  12h00 – 13h30


Mrs Tuletu Nongauza-Njengele,Deputy Principal: Innovation & Partnerships, Ikhala TVET College;E Cape TVET Colleges Research Round Table Coordinator

Ms Almaine Horne, First Education Specialist at Eastcape Midlands College

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the TVET sector was dubbed as the Cinderella of Higher Education in South Africa, alluding to a plethora of inherent challenges facing the sector.  Attempts have been made to address the stigma attached to the sector but TVET colleges remain second-choice institutions with too many students opting for university education above TVET education.

Compounding the problem further, are prejudicial practices evident in the NSFAS bursary allocations and general resourcing of the TVET sector which leaves students deprived of resources. In stark contrast, universities are able to offer their students access to a wide range of resources and training crucial to their preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution on our doorstep.

The TVET sector along with many other sectors has been plunged into a new era and new reality.  The pandemic has not only ushered in new challenges for the TVET sector but has also exacerbated existing ones.  The negative effect on college students with disabilities is an example and points to an urgent demand for much-needed psycho-social support for both student and staff.  Such support will go a long way in preparing students for life, post-pandemic.

This engaging webinar shines the spotlight onto the TVET sector with the aim of searching for key adjustments that could be introduced to curriculum and modes of programme offerings or other facets in a resolute bid to better position TVET colleges both during- and post-pandemic.